PHUSD Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment Period For Placer Union High School District 2025-2026

Open Enrollment/Intradistrict application for Placer Union High School District are being accepted between January 6th and January 31st 2025. Please refer to PHUSD Open Enrollment/Intradistrict Board Policy 5116.1 on our district website or specific information and guidelines.

TO APPLY: The parent/guardian of the pupil requesting to attend a school other than their school of residence in our district must complete and submit the application, along with the most recent copies of attendance, grades and notice of any behavior issues to their school of residence and request an appointment with that principal. The completed form MUST be turned into the District Office no later than January 31st. 2025 by 4:15 pm. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Applications and procedures can be found on our website. Parents can contact Renee Seaman at Placer Union High School District Office at 530-886-4454 or email for more information regarding Open Enrollment/Intradistrict Transfers.