Meal Applications Make a Difference
Applications Support your Student Because of your yearly application, we can ensure students receive the recourses they deserve and need.
How Does the Application Benefit my Family and School???
My Family:
Meal applications help quality families and the school district for additional services such as grants, program funding, athletic waivers, textbooks assistance and more
Breakfast and Lunch at no cost the the family
Discount college application fees
My School:
Provide increased funding through the Local Control Funding Formula
Fund support staff
Fund Computers and Technology
Fund career tech programs
Provide Equipment Grants to improve meal service and access to students
Apply Today!
Fill out ONE application per FAMILY
Have your students ID number
Apply online at htt:// or Scan the QR Code on the attached flyer
Application Processing begin July, 15 2024
Parents do not have to create an account to fill out the application(keeps it easy)
Second- They need to select Placer Union High School District because the meals are through us. The data still applies to your school and they will still receive a letter if they qualify for free meal benefits. But it is through PUHSD.
Questions? Contact PHUSD Nutrition Services (530)886-4472 Email: